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If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less.
-- General Eric Shinseki


Saturday, July 7, 2001

The will to achieve

Do you have the will to achieve? You already have the necessary basic skills -- you have the ability to learn, you can think, make decisions and take action. The resources you need are out there. The knowledge and information you’ll need can also be obtained.

The big question is this. Do you really want to achieve? When you decide you do, when you commit to making it happen, you can reach whatever goals you choose to pursue.

The biggest factor in your success is you. Knowledge, information, skills and resources all play a part, to be sure. Yet success hinges mostly on your will to make it happen. Without sufficient will, all the advantages in the world won’t do you much good. With enough willpower, no obstacle can prevent you from achieving what you have decided to achieve.

Are you willing to make it happen? If you’re not, you can be willing anytime you choose. It’s a simple decision and it is up to you. Be willing, and your life can be whatever you decide it’s going to be.

— Ralph Marston

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