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In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are.
-- Arnold Glasow


Permission for use of The Daily Motivator

The Daily Motivator website and e-mail edition are copyrighted material, and provided to you for your personal, non-commercial use. Any use of The Daily Motivator not specifically allowed in this document is prohibited.

Personal use

You may print copies of The Daily Motivator for your own personal use and to share with people you know (family, friends, co-workers) on a one-to-one basis.

Sharing the link with others

You are welcome to include a LINK to The Daily Motivator and/or the “Right Now” presentation on your website. You are also welcome to share the link(s) by e-mail with others you know. There is no need to request permission for this. The best address to use is

If you would like to link to the “Right Now” graphic presentation, please use the following link:

Lectures, Seminars, Sermons, Public Speaking, Classroom use

You are welcome to quote from The Daily Motivator in any spoken presentation in front of an audience or in a classroom as long as you give credit to Ralph Marston as the author. If appropriate, a mention of The Daily Motivator website at would also be appreciated. Please note that this does not give you permission to make audio or video recordings of material from The Daily Motivator. You do not have permission to use material from The Daily Motivator in radio broadcasts, television broadcasts, teleconferences or Internet streaming broadcasts.

Forwarding by e-mail only under certain conditions

Please feel free to forward a LINK to The Daily Motivator by e-mail to others you know. You do not have permission to forward the actual content of The Daily Motivator by e-mail on a continuing basis to other people. If you want to forward an occasional message to someone you know, you are welcome to do so, provided you:

  1. Forward no more than 7 messages per calendar month to any one person, AND

  2. Forward ONLY to people with whom you regularly correspond, who know you and recognize your name, AND

  3. Include the entire message from The Daily Motivator, complete with copyright notice and web address, AND

  4. Include an introductory remark clearly identifying yourself and stating that the message is being sent by you.

You may not forward The Daily Motivator on a regular, daily basis to anyone, by Internet e-mail or by internal e-mail or by any other means.

Website use not allowed

You do not have permission to reproduce or display content from The Daily Motivator on your website. You are welcomed and encouraged to link to The Daily Motivator from your website. The best address to use is

We also make available at the “Thought For The Day” graphic which we encourage you to display on your website. The “Thought For The Day” contains a summary of each day’s message from The Daily Motivator. Once you include it on your web page, it is automatically updated each day without you having to change anything. Go HERE for more information.

Permission for re-prints

If you wish to re-print a selected article from The Daily Motivator in your newsletter or other printed publication, you must request permission in advance for each specific article that you wish to use. Please use our online Reprint Permission Request Form to request reprint permission. Depending on the type of use for which you’re requesting permission, you’ll either receive an immediate reply or we’ll contact you by e-mail within 2-3 days. We are almost always able to give permission for re-prints in newsletters and similar publications. However, you must request permission in advance and you must request permission for each specific article which you wish to use. We DO NOT give blanket permission for reprinting articles from The Daily Motivator.

Physical bulletin boards

You may post printed copies of The Daily Motivator on office, church, school, community or other bulletin boards, provided that you include the entire message with copyright notice and website address. For use on electronic bulletin boards, see below.

Posting to newsgroups, listserves, electronic bulletin boards, message boards and discussion groups only under certain conditions

You do not have permission to post messages from The Daily Motivator on a regular, daily basis. If you want to post an occasional message to a discussion group, you may do so provided that you:

  1. Post no more than 7 messages per calendar month to any one group, AND

  2. Post ONLY to message boards and groups in which you are an active and recognized participant, AND

  3. Include the entire message from The Daily Motivator, complete with copyright notice and web address, AND

  4. Include an introductory remark clearly identifying yourself and stating that the message is being posted by you.

Any other use of material from The Daily Motivator is prohibited unless specifically arranged in advance and granted by the author.

For inquiries regarding licensing information and use of The Daily Motivator in books, magazines, newspapers, websites, radio broadcasts, fax transmissions, e-mail newsletters, voice mail systems, foreign language translations and any other use not covered in this document, please contact us.