virgin islands scene

Just because everything is different doesn't mean that everything has changed.
-- Irene Peter


Daily Motivator Privacy and Other Business Policies

Your support of The Daily Motivator is sincerely appreciated. We value and respect all subscribers. Our goal is to provide you with something of real and continuing value in exchange for your subscription price -- with no nonsense. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your subscription, please contact us by e-mail or by telephone at +1-512-401-4900.

No nonsense PRIVACY policy

We respect your privacy and do everything in our power to protect it. We will never, ever make your e-mail address available to any other companies, individuals or marketers in any way. The credit card information you supply will be used only to process the one-time subscription charge and will not otherwise be made available to any other parties. We will never make your name, phone number, mailing address or any other information available to other parties.

Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to display advertising based on your prior visits to The Daily Motivator website or other websites. Revenue from this advertising helps to support The Daily Motivator. Google's use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to you based on your visit to The Daily Motivator site and/or other sites on the Internet. You may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting Google's Ads Settings.

The Daily Motivator is mailed using proprietary software that is designed to keep your e-mail address completely private.

You will not ever receive any e-mail solicitations or telephone solicitations as a result of your subscription to The Daily Motivator.

If you are not a subscriber, but are just using the online contact form or permission request form, the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and not provided to any other parties.

If you are a subscriber and you log in to The Daily Motivator website to view premium content or change your account settings, we will download a browser cookie to your computer. It is simply an 8-character code than enables you to view all the subscriber-only pages without logging in again. When you log out, the cookie is removed. The cookie contains absolutely no personal information. It is just a code that enables us to keep you logged in. We do not use the cookie to track which pages you view.

No nonsense RENEWAL policy

The $15 subscription price is for a full, one-year subscription. If you pay by credit card, your card will be billed ONLY ONCE for $15. The charge will appear on your statement with the merchant name “Image Express, Inc.” (That’s the name of the company that publishes The Daily Motivator.) The $15 charge is a ONE-TIME charge. You will not be billed for anything on a monthly basis.

We will NEVER automatically bill your credit card for subscription renewals or any other kind of recurring charges. When you subscribe using a credit card, your card is billed ONCE for $15 for a one-year subscription and that’s it. If you want to renew at the end of one year, we are of course happy to provide you with the opportunity to do so but we will NOT “surprise” you with an automatic charge to your credit card.

No nonsense NO EMAIL ADVERTISING policy

The Daily Motivator messages you receive each day will contain NO ADVERTISING messages whatsoever. When you subscribe to The Daily Motivator, you will receive exactly ONE e-mail per day from us containing the daily motivational message.

You will not receive any other e-mail from The Daily Motivator except for The Monthly Motivator which is sent once a month, and which also contains NO ADVERTISING.

OCCASIONALLY (maybe 3-4 times a year) we will include a brief notice in the daily message about a new feature or product such as a new book or tape program from The Daily Motivator, or a new feature of The Daily Motivator website.

We do not use your subscription as a “foot in the door” to sell you a bunch of other stuff. We will never call you on the phone with sales pitches or send you any promotional e-mail.

The Daily Motivator website does contain third party advertising, as well as advertising for our own products. If you are a current subscriber and you log in, all of the third-party advertising is disabled (as are most of the ads for our own products) and non-promotional content is displayed in place of the ads.

No nonsense RELIABILITY policy

The Daily Motivator has been available by e-mail subscription since June 1, 1996. In that time we have NEVER missed one single publication day. The Daily Motivator is published six days a week, Monday through Saturday. On Sundays we observe a day of rest and there are no new messages published -- the Saturday message continues to be displayed on the website and the Saturday slide show message continues to be available to subscribers.

We have developed a very reliable system to make sure that the messages are e-mailed every day to every subscriber. This system is constantly monitored to ensure reliability on a daily basis. The server which distributes The Daily Motivator is connected by a high-speed fiber optic network directly to major exchange points on the Internet.

However, we have no control over the rest of the Internet. Sometimes various factors completely out of our control (your ISP’s mail server crashes, network problems, a virus on your computer, you’ve accidentally hit the “block mail from this sender” button) can prevent you from receiving a daily message. In about 98% of the cases when a subscriber fails to receive their Daily Motivator message, the problem is on the subscriber’s end.

If you ever fail to receive a daily message, we’ve developed an online diagnotic program that can help you pinpoint the problem. Simply log in to The Daily Motivator Subscriber Area and click the “Troubleshoot Email” link.

Please keep in mind that if you CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS you need to let us know about it. There is absolutely no way we have of knowing that you have a new e-mail address unless you tell us. We provide a very easy to use online form for changing your subscription address. Just log in to The Daily Motivator Subscriber Area using your current subscription address and password, and click on the “Change Email Address” link to go to a form where you can enter your new subscription address. There is NO CHARGE for changing your subscription address, and you can do it as often as necessary during your one-year subscription.