virgin islands scene

We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Seaside portrait

About Ralph Marston

Many people are surprised to discover that I am a real person living in the present-day world. So many websites these days seem to be set up to hide the true identity of the people behind them, that folks assume I am some “made-up” persona or some old guy who lived a few hundred years ago. In fact, I am pretty much a regular person with a yard to mow and a dog to walk.

As for me, I am in my mid 60s and live in Austin, Texas with my wife of 38 years. We have two daughters, both graduates of Texas A&M University. Our oldest daughter is married and a full-time mom living in Houston. Our younger daughter lives here in Austin and works for a tech company. I am a graduate of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas with a Bachelor of Business Administration. I am also a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

sailingAlthough it didn’t start out that way, The Daily Motivator is now my full-time job. Back in 1995 I started writing the messages as part of another website. Within a few months, the response was so positive that The Daily Motivator took on a life of its own. After five years or so, subscription sales and book sales were providing a modest income, and since that time the website has grown to the point where I am able to devote all my working hours to it. Which is a good thing, since it requires a good bit of time and I thoroughly enjoy it.

I have always been interested in personal development, and have studied hundreds of books and tape programs over the years. I have applied many of the concepts I’ve learned, to my own life and business, and have developed a “real world” knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. Many people are curious about my religious affiliation. I am a Christian (member of the United Methodist Church). Although The Daily Motivator weddingis not intended to be a religious publication, my writing is certainly influenced by Christian teachings and concepts.

Since starting The Daily Motivator more than 25 years ago, I’ve been amazed at the tremendous positive response that it has received. People from all over the world, in all walks of life, have a sincere interest in living lives of meaning, caring, dedication and fulfillment. I am extremely grateful that the technology of the Internet affords me the opportunity to share my work with so many people.

Beyond the website, I have several other things which keep me busy. I devote at least an hour each day to exercise, usually alternating between three kinds of workouts, each of which I thoroughly enjoy. In the backyardsummer (which here in Austin means late April through early October) I like to swim laps in our backyard pool. One of my favorite times to do this is just after sunset, when I can watch the stars come out while swimming. When the weather is cooler, I enjoy walking through our neighborhood and the greenbelt area that adjoins our property. If the weather is rainy or cold and windy, I usually work out on a recumbent exercise bicycle while listening to podcasts. I also like to go hiking in state and national park and wilderness areas as well as local parks. Sometimes I just like to lay in my hammock with a good book while the deer roam through the back part of our yard. I do some of my best writing at night, sitting outside with a pinon wood fire burning in the chiminea.

sloppy joesTo provide energy for all that exercise, I must eat regularly, which is most definitely not a problem. I enjoy backyard grilling, particularly salmon, shrimp and chicken. Also have a fondness for interior Mexican, Tex-Mex and southwest cuisine. Recently I have discovered (Asian) Indian cuisine and absolutely love it. And then there’s wine. My taste at the current time runs toward white Burgundy, New Zealand Marlborough Savignon Blanc, Texas Viognier, California Zinfandel, Argentinean Malbec and Spanish Rioja Crianza. I’ve even made a few batches of my own wine (a Semillion-Savignon Blanc and a Viognier) which was a lot of fun.

familyWe are very involved in the lives of our children and grandchildren, and are fortunate they all live close enough that we can see them often. I especially enjoy being a grandpa!

We enjoy traveling as a family, particularly to tropical beach locations. Closer to home, in the high-tech/live music mecca of Austin, there’s something going on all the time: street festivals, live music, dining on every kind of cuisine imaginable, sailing, water skiing and much more.
