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We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.
-- Woodrow Wilson


About The Daily Motivator

Since 1995, people around the world have been finding motivation and inspiration on the web at The Daily Motivator. Originally started as a labor of love by Ralph Marston, the site has become one of the most popular and enduring destinations for daily positivity.

More than anything, the brief daily messages are intended to be reminders, bringing you back, day after day, to the best that’s within you. Over the years, Ralph has written more than 4,500 daily messages. Each one is unique and original. Though they do sometimes touch on spiritual matters, the messages, by design, do not reference or promote any particular religious belief. They are carefully crafted to be accessible and valuable to all people, regardless of their religious, political or philosophical orientation.

Many people who regularly read The Daily Motivator make the comment that they feel the messages are intended just for them, often eerily so (eerily in a good way, that is). Probably the reason for this is that the daily messages are open, honest and sincere. They’re not judgmental or promotional or sarcastic, yet they can be very profound. If you’re the least bit interested, just come back each day for a couple of weeks and read the daily message. Or, browse through the archive of thousands of previous messages. If you’re like most people, you’ll get hooked. Even more importantly, you’ll get yourself oriented in a more positive, empowered direction.

The Daily Motivator is published six days a week (every day except Sunday). The current day’s message is always on the main page. Each message is written personally by Ralph Marston, and each one is original. Though the positive concepts in The Daily Motivator messages are reinforced again and again, the individual messages never repeat.

The Daily Motivator is supported primarily by subscriptions from people who understand the value of staying positively focused on a day-to-day basis, and who also understand the value of investing in their own personal development. Though the investment is embarrassingly modest (just $15 per year – that’s right, not per month, per year), the dividends can be enormous. In addition to the option of receiving the daily messages by e-mail, subscribers also get access to some very compelling premium content. The site is also supported by advertising, which is displayed only to non-subscribers.

In addition to the daily messages, many people love the Inspiring videos. If you haven’t seen these, click on the link to one of them. They’re beautiful, peaceful, calming and thought provoking.

If you’re looking for a dose of positivity more than once a day, you might want to check out Ralph Marston’s Twitter page. Over the last few years, Ralph has become one of the most highly re-tweeted individuals in the world (consistently in the top 100 of all Twitter accounts).

Thanks for visiting The Daily Motivator, and please remember to come back often.