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Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience.
-- Clarence Day


Monday, March 18, 2002

Path to achievement

Your level of success and achievement depends on the level of challenge with which you’re willing to live. Those who take on the biggest challenges are the ones who attain the biggest achievements.

If the challenges you face seem to be getting more imposing, that probably means you’re making real progress. The challenges have grown stronger precisely because your ability to handle them has grown stronger.

The challenges are not there to push you down. In reality, they provide you with a clear and effective way to push forward. A long and rocky road can be challenging, and yet if the road was not there, you would have nothing on which to move forward. In the same way, the challenges you face will lead you to the achievement you desire.

Welcome the challenges, for they are truly what make the achievements possible.

— Ralph Marston

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