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We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
-- Anais Nin


Friday, March 29, 2002

What do you love?

You probably can quickly come up with a list of the things you dislike, with things that annoy you, even with things you hate. But set those aside and challenge yourself to think of the things you love. What do you love about this day, about your friends and family, about your work, your life, your faith, your home, your possibilities? What makes your heart melt, what brings a smile to your face, what lifts your spirit high above the clouds?

Think for a moment about all the good things you have going for you. Sure you have your share of problems, yet your life is also filled with many wonderful blessings. The more you value and appreciate those good things, the more they will grow. The more thought and attention you give to them, the more valuable they will become.

Think of what you love, and think of how very fortunate you are to have it all. Think of what you love, and see what a tremendous positive difference it can make to all aspects of your life.

This day can be better than any you’ve ever experienced when you fill its moments with what you love.

— Ralph Marston

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