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There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
-- Aristotle


Saturday, December 7, 2002

Small things

Great things happen when small things are done with purpose, care and persistence. Few people can make a big positive impact on the first attempt, yet anyone can have a small impact, and then another and another.

The small things matter, because they join together to become big things. Every moment is your opportunity to do the small things that can surely and steadily bring about big results.

Those who sit and wait for a big break rarely ever get one, and wonder why life has been so cruel and unfair. Those who do what they can, when they can, with what they have, will get precisely where they intend to go.

Today is your chance to do what you can. It may seem small, but focus and persistence will, over time, make it into something big. Meaningful, lasting value is something that is built, effort upon effort, day after day, moment by moment. Step forward at every opportunity, be willing to do the small things, and you’ll be making the big things happen.

— Ralph Marston

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