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To change one's life, start immediately, do it flamboyantly, no exceptions.
-- William James


Saturday, January 4, 2003

Instead of worrying

Whenever you worry about something you give it life, energy and influence over your world. The more you worry about what you do not want, the more likely and possible you make it.

Imagine what would happen, though, if every thought of worry were replaced with a positive, creative thought or action. Instead of giving power to your worst fears, you could be giving life to your best possibilities.

Certainly there are plenty of things about which you can be justifiably worried. Yet even so, there is nothing to be gained by spending time and energy on worry.

Your thoughts have power and influence, whether they are negative or positive. The more positively they are focused, the more surely will your thoughts lead you forward.

You can choose to redirect the intensely negative energy of your worries into positive, productive actions. Instead of worrying about what you don’t want, put your time and energy into creating what you do want. Though there is much that you can worry about, there is also much that you can achieve. Where you put the energy of your thoughts and actions is up to you.

— Ralph Marston

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