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Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.
-- Richard Bach


Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Even when

Even when the day is cold and gray, life can be filled with warmth and joy. Even when trouble weighs heavily on the world, there are very real opportunities to move positively forward.

Even in the middle of winter, there is the ever-present promise of spring. Even when all seems to be lost, there are still many ways to turn the situation around or to move on through it anyway.

Even when there appears to be no hope, someone will have the audacity to be hopeful anyway. And more times than not, that person will be right.

The greatest opportunities for positive change very often arise from the most difficult situations. The most enduring strengths are always forged against the most stubborn challenges.

There are those who give up at the first hint of trouble, and then there are those who never give up no matter what. Those who never give up are the ones who, thankfully, always get us through.

— Ralph Marston

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