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One step in the right direction is worth 100 years of thinking about it.
-- T. Harv Eker


Friday, January 17, 2003

Within your reach

Your dreams are most certainly within your reach. Yet just because they’re within your reach does not automatically mean that you’ll reach them. It is up to you to move yourself toward them. It is up to you to use each day, each moment, each thought and action to go surely and steadily in the direction you wish to go.

If the place you plan to reach is just a few hundred yards to the north of you, and yet you insist on always walking south, you’ll have a very difficult time ever reaching it. Are your actions in each moment moving you toward the place you want to be, or are they moving you away?

There are certain things, wonderful things, positive, valuable and exciting things you intend to accomplish. Right this very moment is the time to be taking clear, definite steps toward them.

Rise above the distractions of the moment and look at the big picture of your life. Give yourself some meaningful perspective and then take a clear, objective look at the direction in which you’re headed.

Are you letting the distractions and temptations determine your direction, or are you following your highest vision for what life can be? The sooner you start moving in the direction of your dreams, the sooner you will get there, and now is the perfect time to start.

— Ralph Marston

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