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The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.
-- James Yorke


Friday, January 31, 2003

Never satisfied

You are never going to be completely satisfied, and indeed what a blessing that is. Satisfaction never lasts, and that is what helps to make it so positively powerful.

Just think of all the great accomplishments that have come about because people were not satisfied with the way things were. The pursuit of satisfaction, as elusive as it always is, has continually driven the pursuit of excellence.

Satisfaction would be meaningless if it were ever to be complete and final. For what satisfaction would there be if you knew that there was no more satisfaction to be attained, no higher level to be reached?

If something you desire is at the moment out of your reach, think of how truly blessed you are to be faced with such a dilemma. For you have the wonderful, magnificent opportunity to reach for it.

It is in the pursuit of value that we truly know and experience that value. You will never be completely satisfied, and in that happy fact is the greatest satisfaction possible.

— Ralph Marston

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