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Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
-- Robert F. Kennedy


Thursday, February 13, 2003


This world is filled with people of spectacularly diverse backgrounds and passions. In such a world, one of the most valuable skills you can have is the ability to understand.

When you can grasp and consider the viewpoint of another, it immediately puts your relationship on a vastly higher plane. Even when you do not agree and never will, still it pays to understand.

The more interconnected and interdependent we become, the more valuable is the ability to understand. Closed-mindedness is increasingly becoming a foolish and pitiful way to go through life.

To truly understand, to see the world from another person’s point of view demands courage and confidence. For you’ll very likely meet up with a new idea that will challenge your comfortable assumptions.

Yet thinking that is challenged is thinking that becomes stronger. The more you seek to understand others, the more powerful and effective your own thoughts and efforts will be.

— Ralph Marston

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