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Given a big enough why people can bear almost any how.
-- Friedrich Neitzche


Monday, February 17, 2003

Life is calling

Life always has its problems, but is that any reason to stop living it as fully as you possibly can? Things are never perfect, but is that any reason to be less than the best you can be?

Life is calling you today, calling you to live its richness. What are you waiting for? Now is a moment that’s like no other. Sure, it has its challenges and problems, yet it also has so very much more.

Life is calling you today, calling you to make a difference. All that you’ve learned, all that you’ve experienced, all that you are has the magnificent opportunity to be put to positive, productive use today.

Even when the troubles cause you despair and dismay, keep in mind what is really going on. Life is simply calling you, calling you to make it better. And that’s something you know full well that you can do.

— Ralph Marston

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