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Winners are losers who gave it one more try.
-- Dennis DeYoung


Friday, February 21, 2003

Part of you

The way to achieve any kind of success is to make it a part of you. For success is not something you do only on weekdays from eight to five, it is who you are all the time.

If you constantly have to remember to discipline yourself, or worse yet, be disciplined by others, you’re not there yet. When discipline and focus are a part of your approach to every situation, that’s when success is sure to follow.

If integrity is just something you talk about and try to project, you still have a ways to go. When integrity is what drives your every decision, thought and action, then you’re truly getting there.

If you’re constantly concerned about your image, your reputation, and what other people think, there’s still work to be done. When you can focus instead on real substance, doing what you know is right no matter how it may appear, then you’re really getting somewhere.

Success is achieved not by simply wishing to go out and get it. For real success does not exist outside of you, but within. The success you desire will become real when you can truly make it a part of you.

— Ralph Marston

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