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It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
-- L. C. Megginson


Friday, March 14, 2003

Now is when

Now is when life happens. Now is when your efforts can turn your goals and dreams into your reality. Now is when what you say you’re going to do becomes what you actually get accomplished. Now is when the value you intend to create can be surely and steadily brought into existence.

Now is when you can put to use everything you’ve learned and all you’ve experienced. Now is when the opportunities and possibilities can be transformed into real fulfillment. Now is when you can mold your life and shape your world according to your highest and best vision. Now is when you can truly make a difference.

Now is the time to act, for there is no other that’s available to you. Yesterday cannot be changed and tomorrow is not yet here. What matters is what you’re doing today, now that you have the opportunity to act. Now is when you can make it great, so live it for all it’s worth.

— Ralph Marston

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