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If someone says "can't," that shows you what to do.
-- John Cage


Friday, April 4, 2003

Good people

They don’t ask for any attention, or praise, or special recognition. They simply get busy and do what needs to be done. When something goes wrong, they don’t complain or become mired in frustration. Instead, they do whatever is necessary to make it right.

When they say they will do something, they follow through and take whatever actions are necessary to get it done. They don’t feel that the world owes them anything. They are truly thankful for the opportunity to make a positive difference and to create real value.

We sometimes forget how many good people there are. But one look around at all the valuable and useful things we so often take for granted, will serve as a reminder. They keep us fed, keep us warm, protect us, entertain us, inform us, keep us healthy and do so many other things far too numerous to mention. Some of life’s greatest blessings come through the good people with whom we are privileged to be living.

— Ralph Marston

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