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There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
-- Edith Wharton


Friday, April 25, 2003

Calm and determined

Does it serve any purpose to get upset? Most of the time it serves no purpose. Most of the time, getting upset about a negative situation only serves to prolong and intensify that situation. Getting upset about something you don’t want will usually do nothing to make things better, and will likely make things worse.

Instead of becoming upset, become more determined. Instead of throwing your time and energy away, put them to positive use. When you’re upset you can often make foolish and costly mistakes, which will get you even more upset. When, on the other hand, you decide to remain calm and determined, you’ll make solid, steady progress.

Getting upset is a choice, and becoming more determined is also a choice. Make the choice that will move you forward. The less time you spend being upset, the more time you make to truly live and grow.

— Ralph Marston

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