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Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.
-- Seth Godin


Saturday, June 7, 2003

A matter of opinion

Why is life so difficult? Often it is because you decide to make it so. Whether something is difficult or unpleasant is, in many cases, only a matter of opinion. In fact, the things that some people consider to be unpleasant are seen by others to be quite pleasant.

Have you ever worried endlessly about something that turned out to actually be enjoyable? Have you ever avoided and complained about things that ended up being no big deal?

Certainly life has its challenges. But is there any reason to make yourself miserable by deciding that those challenges are difficult or unpleasant?

Take life as it comes, whatever it may bring. Don’t waste too much time judging how difficult or unpleasant it is. Instead, take what you have and make the most of every moment.

— Ralph Marston

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