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I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.
-- Frederick Douglass


Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Look forward

When there’s something positive you’re looking forward to, it’s difficult for anything to get you down. Think, for example, how great you can feel on the day before an eagerly awaited vacation trip.

When you see yourself moving toward something desirable, the difficulties along the way become much easier to bear. When there is something to which you can eagerly look forward, you will indeed move quickly forward.

Positive, meaningful goals are powerful in one sense because they provide a clearly defined direction to follow. Yet they’re also powerful because they provide a bright, shining light at the end of a tunnel that can often be dark and forbidding.

What are you looking forward to right now? Is there something compelling and delightful that is pulling you ahead?

It takes no money or other resources to create a meaningful, compelling dream, whether it covers a day or a lifetime. Find something you can truly look forward to, and let it keep you moving.

— Ralph Marston

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