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Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past, and the neglected opportunity.
-- Omar Idn Al-Halif


Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Go for it

Go ahead and go for it. Forget about what others will think. Don’t let yourself be stopped by what might go wrong. Get yourself adequately prepared and then take that big step forward.

Sure you’ll make mistakes and experience setbacks. But that’s no reason to keep yourself hidden behind your own doubts or insecurities.

Your biggest regrets will be for the opportunities that you allow to pass you by. Avoid the painful sting of regret by jumping into the ring and meeting the challenges of achievement with the best you have.

It brings you no value to forever wonder what might have been. Go for it, now, today and make your mark on what will be.

Move beyond just dreaming about it, or talking about it, or planning for it, or hoping it will come. Go for it, and truly make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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