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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
-- Yogi Berra


Friday, July 18, 2003

Make use

Instead of being completely consumed with always getting more, put your time and energy into getting more use from what you have. It makes no sense to acquire and accumulate if you don’t even put the things you already have to full use.

Some people are blessed in certain ways. Others are blessed in different ways. Yet everyone has something valuable that can be put to better use. There is enormous treasure throughout your life that is always waiting to be uncovered and put to use.

That is the essence of accomplishment. True and lasting success comes when you are in the habit of making effective use of the time, the circumstances, the resources which are available to you.

Don’t settle for merely getting more, for it will never be enough. Instead, seek to truly live more, to experience and achieve more, to make full use of all the good and valuable things you have. And you’ll find that there is always plenty of abundance to go around.

— Ralph Marston

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