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That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly.
-- Thomas Paine


Thursday, July 24, 2003

Positive desires

Whatever you strongly desire, you will find a way to get. That fact can work for you or against you, depending on the nature of your desires. It is extremely difficult for you to go against your own desires. Yet you can most certainly control and direct those desires in a positive, enriching way.

What’s the best way to get away from a desire that is pulling you down? Replace it with an even stronger desire that lifts you up and compels you to push positively forward.

Look at those things you most fervently desire and ask yourself why. The more you understand your desires and their source, the better you can refine the quality and content of those desires. Behind every desire that is holding you back, there is an even stronger, more fundamental and more positive desire. Dig deeply and sincerely enough, and you’ll connect with it.

Who, what, how do you most truly desire to be? Fill your life with those positive, enriching desires that will push you powerfully ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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