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Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal: My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
-- Louis Pasteur


Saturday, September 13, 2003

Be here now

What you seek is not out there somewhere. It is here and it is now. But your noisy thoughts will keep it hidden if you let them. So take a step back, quiet your mind, and allow yourself to truly be here now.

Be here now, and know the beauty of what is. Free yourself from concerns about what was, or anxieties about what will be. Now is what you have and where you are. When you can truly know the abundant richness of now, you’ll find in it all you could ever desire.

There is no need to escape, or deny, or resent what is. You can stop striving for what is already yours.

Be here now, and live it fully.

— Ralph Marston

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