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Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.
-- Demosthenes


Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Big bold step

The more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the more comfortable and familiar that new territory becomes. Before long, your comfort zone has been enlarged, and your positive possibilities have grown along with it.

To move forward, you must be willing to continually go beyond what is familiar and comfortable. Sure it can seem a bit frightening and intimidating at first, but it pays to persist. For soon enough, what was once new and intimidating can become positively exhilarating. Soon enough, you’ll wonder why you ever entertained even a moment’s hesitation.

The world is overflowing with new places, things, people, ideas, challenges and experiences. They are all out there ready to be discovered and met and explored. You cannot now know what positive value they’ll bring to your life, but you can know this. They are most certainly worth the effort and courage it takes to overcome any apprehension you may have about venturing out to meet them.

On a regular basis, take a big, bold step away from the comfortable and familiar. What you discover will astound and delight you.

— Ralph Marston

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