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Fortune sides with him who dares.
-- Virgil


Friday, October 17, 2003

Detail work

Dealing with the details can be annoying and troublesome. Yet details are what make life happen. Those who consider themselves too important to be bothered with the details will likely end up being brought down by the details. Certainly it’s important to look at the big picture, and paying attention to details will put you in a position to positively influence that big picture.

Details are not always fun and are rarely glamorous. Taking care of the details is often just plain hard work. And it is in that work that value is created. In tending to those tedious details, you make possible all sorts of exciting and desirable things.

Each little detail may indeed seem too small and insignificant to be worth the trouble. But when you stand back and look at all those little details put together, the view can be truly magnificent.

Little steps can take you on big journeys, when you are focused and persistent. Value, appreciate and work on the details, and with them you can build anything.

— Ralph Marston

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