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The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.
-- Emile Zola


Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Blessings in disguise

If you look at your problems as problems, they will continue to hold you down. See them instead as blessings in disguise, and that is what they will truly become.

If you treat the challenges as excuses for failure, you’ll have plenty of excuses but not much else. Approach those challenges instead as pathways to success, and that is precisely what they will be.

There is more than enough richness in life for all those who are willing to recognize it. That richness most often comes wrapped in challenge so as to keep its value intact.

For if the good things in life had no cost at all, they would not be worth very much. It is the effort, the discipline, the commitment to overcome any challenge, that makes a dream worth reaching.

So whatever stands in the way of your dream is really a blessing in disguise. For when you work your way through it, you arrive at the place you most want to be.

— Ralph Marston

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