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The intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves.
-- John Dryden


Thursday, November 13, 2003

Your best face

You never have to be miserable because of someone else’s bad attitude. Your own attitude is yours to control, and you can do with it what you please.

Others will often attempt to draw you into their negativity. They may whine, scream, glare, pout, or call you all sorts of names, but never does it mean that you must pick up on any of it.

You can lovingly and politely choose to stay positive. Simply realize that another person’s negative attitude is that person’s problem, and does not have to dictate your behavior in any way.

The most powerful response to negativity is not more negativity. The most powerful, confident, effective response is to keep yourself focused on moving positively forward.

Smile, and know that you are in control of how you feel, what you think and how you act. Offer your best, most sincerely positive face to the world, no matter what kind of faces you find looking back at you.

Rather than being pulled down, you’ll be lifting up. And that’s a powerful, effective place to be.

— Ralph Marston

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