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Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
-- Isaac Asimov


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

How good it can feel

Pause for a moment and just think one thought. Think of how good it can feel to be alive.

Yes, you can argue that life is ripe with pain, with discomfort and dismay. Yet the only reason you even notice those things is because they are exceptions to the rule.

In fact, when the skies turn gray and the world seems so cold, pause for a moment and consider one thing. Consider how good it can feel to be alive.

Even on the down days, there is a goodness to life that cannot be denied. Even on the down days, there is a part of you that knows the troubles won’t last forever.

Think of the people you love, the beauty you’ve seen, the faith and hope that truly keep you going. And remember how incredibly good it can feel to be alive.

Pause for a moment and put things in perspective. You have life, and it can be so very good.

— Ralph Marston

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