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Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams


Monday, December 22, 2003

Your highest values

When you know that what you’re doing is right, nothing will be able to stop you. When you are absolutely convinced of the true value of your efforts, you’ll have the courage and the persistence to see them through.

To believe in what you’re doing is not just important. It is everything.

Anything less cannot possibly succeed. For any accomplishments you reach while living a lie will ultimately be of no value.

It is not always easy to live true to your highest values, true to your authentic self, true to what you know is right. Yet it is always your best choice.

When you deny what you know is right in order to follow the expediency of the moment, the benefits you gain are trivial and fleeting. Choose instead to live each moment true to the highest values you know.

Then, who you become will be the fulfillment of who you truly are. Why would you ever want to be anything less?

— Ralph Marston

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