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We can help others in the world more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
-- Earl Nightingale


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Get it done

Your actual efforts are often much less tiring, much less draining than the anxiety with which you surround those efforts. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you could work without the friction of your own negative thoughts.

How much time and energy do you waste, worrying that the task is too difficult or complicated, or that it’s beneath your dignity? How many moments do you devote to anger, resentment and anxiety when you could be spending those moments getting the work done?

Focus on the effort, let go of your need to resist it, and give it your very best. Think of what a privilege it is that you have the opportunity to make a difference.

Rather than being annoyed at what you must do, be enthusiastic about what you can do. Rather than making yourself and others miserable about it, put your energy into getting it done in the best way you know how.

Instead of putting it off until later, thus allowing your worries and anxieties to grow stronger, go ahead and get it done. When you release the anxiety surrounding the task, you’ll suddenly see that there’s no reason to avoid it.

And you’ll see that there’s every reason to go ahead and get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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