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Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.
-- Jane Hopkins


Saturday, January 24, 2004

When no one is watching

What do you do when you’re sure no one is watching? When you have no need to impress others, what is it that truly impresses and fulfills you?

The foundation of success is built in the moments when no one else is watching. What you do in those moments, when nothing is expected of you, is an excellent measure of who you really are.

Others can encourage you and nag you and intimidate you into taking action. Yet the real and lasting accomplishments will come when you take your own initiative, and express the best of who you are.

When you are free to do exactly as you please, what is it that you do? When nothing is expected of you by others, what do you expect of yourself?

The moments when no one is watching are moments of great opportunity. For they are your chance to determine and develop the person you most want to be.

You can go through life merely appearing successful, or you can actually experience true success and fulfillment. The difference depends on what you do in the moments when no one is watching.

— Ralph Marston

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