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There is more to life than increasing its speed.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Focus on abundance

Abundance is a state of mind. See the world through eyes of abundance, and you bring that abundance surely to life.

If you live in fear of scarcity, your very actions will serve to create that scarcity. Instead, let abundance color your thoughts and your moments.

There are positive possibilities in every direction. Choose the ones that best fulfill who you are. Bring life to the highest of your possibilities, with richness and passion. Dive into the abundance that is waiting to be lived.

The problems and challenges may seem big, until you compare them to the positive possibilities. Lack and limitation may seem real, until you experience the reality of true abundance.

Focus your thoughts, your moments, your actions, your days on the abundance that is surely there. The more of it you know and experience, the more there will be.

— Ralph Marston

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