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Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve.
-- Napoleon Hill


Monday, February 23, 2004

Let happiness flow

Have you ever felt so good that you did not want the moment to end? But eventually it did end, and cleared the way for an even better experience later.

If the good times never ended, they would cease to be so good. Without change, without growth, without challenge, life would become stale and empty.

Are you afraid to let yourself be happy because you fear that the happiness won’t last? Rather than worrying about when it will end, live it fully and then take the best of it with you.

For when you fear losing your happiness, you’ll never have it in the first place. And so you really have nothing to lose.

Yet you have everything to gain by living every happiness with richness and joy. For once you do that, the essence of that happiness is always with you, no matter what turn of events may come.

Life is always changing, and what a blessing that is. Let the happiness flow without restraint.

— Ralph Marston

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