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Prosperity belongs to those who learn new things the fastest.
-- Paul Zane Pilzer


Tuesday, March 2, 2004

The quiet moments

Every moment is a miracle. Be still, look closely, and you can see it.

The simple, quiet moments, that are so commonplace you don’t easily remember them, are just as special as the glorious, unforgettable ones. Because those quiet, simple moments are the ones that shape who you are.

It’s easy to sense life’s many treasures in the rare moments of grandeur. Yet when you can also appreciate the value of the quiet, simple moments, then you’ve tapped into something truly magnificent.

The common moments matter because there are so many of them. When you live each one to the fullest, then life is full indeed.

The big, exciting moments give life its spice. The small, quiet ones provide the substance.

In every moment there is a special treasure. Give your best to them all.

— Ralph Marston

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