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What does not destroy me, makes me strong.
-- Friedrich Neitzche


Tuesday, March 9, 2004

The good things

If you spend your time thinking about all the things that are wrong with your life, you’ll likely create even more of them. Why would you want to do that?

Instead, keep more of your thoughts focused on all the things that are right with your life. Your attention to those good things in life will make them stronger and more plentiful.

What do you enjoy most about the person you are? What gives you a true and abiding sense of satisfaction? What things do you do that cause you to know you’ve made a positive difference in the world? Sincerely answer these questions, and you cannot help but focus on what is right with your life.

Define yourself not by what’s wrong, but by what’s going right for you. Count your many blessings, and you’ll be blessed with many more.

Begin each day reminding yourself of all the things that are right with your life. And at the end of the day, you’ll find even more.

— Ralph Marston

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