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The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.
-- Richard Bach


Friday, April 2, 2004

Letting go

Letting go of discouragement is no more difficult than holding on to it. And letting go is so much more empowering.

It takes an enormous amount of time, energy and attention to remain bitter or angry or disillusioned. Let it go and move on ahead. Whatever has happened is a matter of history. Whatever is to come is a matter of choice.

Now is when you make that choice. Now is when you can decide to stop giving your energy to what is past and start making the most of what will be.

Freedom is much, much closer than you might think. Imagine being free of the things that hold you back. It takes so little effort to let them fall gently away from you. And be free to truly live.

— Ralph Marston

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