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It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
-- Harry S. Truman


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Ordinary magic

The ordinary moments are where life comes to life. What you do with the ordinary moments can play a major role in the way your life progresses.

If you wait for something spectacular to happen before you begin to truly live, you might be waiting a very long time. Instead, see the magic that is there in even the most ordinary moments.

In the ordinary moments you have the opportunity to fill life with substance and meaning. In the ordinary moments you can move, step by persistent step, toward whatever you wish to accomplish.

Most of the ordinary moments are not memorable. Yet when you make full use of them they will yield truly memorable results.

If it were not for the ordinary moments, life would just be an empty shell. The ordinary moments are where strength, resilience, integrity, persistence and other essential values are given room to grow.

Today you’ll be richly blessed with some ordinary moments. Let their special magic fill your life.

— Ralph Marston

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