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People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Value of perspective

One reason why the problems of the moment can seem completely overwhelming is because you’re so close to them. It is always helpful to put things in perspective. Your immediate frame of reference is based on the last few hours or days. Yet when you step back and put things in perspective, that time accounts for only a small fraction of your life.

Certainly the present moment is of vital importance, for it’s the one in which you’re living. Yet even as you live in the current moment, your life has an immense reservoir of value, knowledge, and experience.

When the challenges seem insurmountable, consider all the massive challenges you’ve already overcome. Compared with the totality of who you are and who you can be, most difficulties will pale by comparison.

It’s easy to allow the problems of the moment to dominate your thinking, for they can certainly be compelling. To move successfully through the challenges, to think more clearly and act more effectively, take a step back from them.

Give yourself some perspective. And you’ll see your way positively through.

— Ralph Marston

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