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Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.
-- Dale Carnegie


Thursday, May 20, 2004

Drop the negativity

You may indeed have every right to be angry. Yet you also have a compelling reason to let that anger go. You may be completely justified in seeking retribution. Yet focusing on positive pursuits is much more likely to be in your best interest.

You may have all sorts of totally understandable reasons to think negatively of someone else. Yet those negative thoughts, as reasonable and accurate as they may be, serve only to weigh you down.

Think for a moment about how easily you could lighten your load by dropping the negativity you carry around. Anger, blame, resentment and other such thoughts cost you much and bring you nothing of real value.

Every negative thought uses up time and attention that could be invested in more productive pursuits. Every negative thought pushes you back when you could just as easily be moving forward.

When you feel a negative thought rising to the surface, see it for the dead weight that it is. Then turn around, face forward, and set your sights on the abundance of positive possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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