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People love as self-recognition what they hate as an accusation.
-- Elias Canetti


Saturday, June 19, 2004

Do something about it

One of the best ways to change a bad feeling into a good one is to do something positive about it. Bad feelings have their purpose, after all, and that purpose is to spur you into action.

If you just sit there, wallowing in negativity without doing anything about it, that brings you down in two ways. Not only do you feel lousy, you also pass up the opportunity to be powerfully motivated by those lousy feelings.

Yet when you take a positive cue from a negative feeling, things almost immediately begin to change for the better. As soon as you start to do something about it, you are in control and you are moving forward.

Take a positive step, and you go from being a victim to being a beneficiary of your negative feeling. Keep on going, and you’ll soon leave that negative feeling completely behind.

If you seem to be having a lousy day, it’s not the day that’s lousy. It’s your lack of a positive response to it that makes it seem so bad.

So listen to what your bad feeling is attempting to tell you. Get busy, do something about it, and you’ll turn it into a triumph.

— Ralph Marston

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