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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
-- Robert Frost


Saturday, July 17, 2004

One step away

If you were just one step away from reaching your goal, would you take that step? How do you know, right now, that you’re not?

What a shame it would be to stop making the effort, when just a little bit more would make it all worthwhile. What a shame it would be to have taken all those steps, only to miss the very last one.

The next step you take may very well be the one that makes all the others count. You owe it to yourself, and the efforts you’ve made, to keep going.

No, the next step may not get you there. Yet what about the one after that? If you keep moving ahead, a little at a time, you will indeed arrive. When you take that final, triumphant step, you’ll be so very thankful you persevered.

At some point success is just one step away. Keep going and you’ll be there.

— Ralph Marston

previousThe other side       Let yourself benext

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