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Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Monday, July 26, 2004

Get it done

There is something you know you must do. Yet you’re worried that it won’t be perfect, that it will be difficult, uncomfortable and maybe even painful.

You wonder what others will think of you, whether they might silently disapprove, openly taunt you, or even work against you. You worry that it could be more challenging and more demanding than you anticipate.

Go ahead and do it anyway. The sooner you get started, the more confident and effective you’ll be.

Sure there will be problems. And with solid commitment, you will find a way through every one of them. Of course there will be challenges. And from each one you’ll build the strength to take on the next one.

Accomplishment is never easy, and rarely perfect, yet it sure beats sitting around worrying about how powerless you are. When you know you must, then get up, get going, and get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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