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Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
-- Albert Einstein


Friday, July 30, 2004

Beyond need

When you constantly think in terms of needs, it focuses your thoughts on what you don’t have, on lack and limitation. That kind of thinking will hold you back.

Instead, set your thoughts free to soar, away from the needs, away from the limitations. For every perceived need, there is an opportunity.

Direct your thoughts toward those opportunities. Instead of living in bondage to your needs, live each moment in expression of your highest and best possibilities.

That doesn’t mean that you abandon your responsibilities, or live in a fantasy world where there are no problems. It means that your best response, to whatever life may hold, is to connect with the positive possibilities.

Yes, there are very real factors that impede your progress, very real challenges to be overcome. And there is absolutely no sense in adding to those obstacles with your own limiting thoughts.

Your thoughts are yours to create, so choose the ones that generate positive, productive energy in your life. When you stop needing so much, you can start doing so much more.

— Ralph Marston

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