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Success is 99 percent failure.
-- Soichiro Honda


Thursday, August 12, 2004


The more grudges you carry, the heavier your burden becomes. Forgive, and let them go.

When someone has wronged you, it hurts. There is certainly no sense in using your own time and energy to prolong that hurt. Forgive, and you can begin to move away from the pain. Forgive, and you can move forward with a much lighter load.

Forgiveness does not mean that you allow others to take advantage of you. On the contrary, forgiveness gives you positive power no matter what others may have done.

Anger and spite can eat away at life until there’s almost nothing of value left. Forgive, and free yourself from the grips of that anger.

Forgive, and you’ll be much better off. Forgive, and you’ll be free to truly live.

— Ralph Marston

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