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They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
-- Andy Warhol


Saturday, August 14, 2004

Live beyond yourself

This day is overflowing with beauty and richness. Yet when you think only of yourself, you’re sure to miss it all.

Every single moment is a golden opportunity. But if you’re focused on your own narrow concerns, all the best opportunities will pass you by.

Life has more to offer than can ever be imagined. Yet if you’re looking only at what’s in it for you, you’ll completely overlook life’s most valuable treasures.

When you consider only your own narrow perspective, you severely limit your possibilities. Yet when you begin to live beyond yourself, life can become truly magnificent.

Free yourself from the limitations imposed by your own ego. You’ll discover that what’s in the best interest of others is ultimately even better for you.

Live with richness, joy and true fulfillment. Live beyond yourself.

— Ralph Marston

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