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He is happiest who hath power to gather wisdom from a flower.
-- Mary Howitt


Saturday, August 21, 2004

Get a taste

Get a taste of achievement, and you will enthusiastically seek out even more. Powerful motivation for reaching a big, ambitious goal comes from the experience of reaching smaller goals.

When you seek something and never get even the slightest taste of it, that can be terribly discouraging. So get some modest achievements under your belt, and you’ll be encouraged as you move toward the more ambitious ones.

There is plenty of work waiting to be done. There are plenty of opportunities for achievements of all sizes.

Pick some way to start and then jump right in. It can be as simple as cleaning off your desk or organizing your bookshelf.

The point is to get yourself busy doing something useful. Make some effort that will make a positive difference, and enjoy how great that feels.

Start small, and get a taste for achievement. You’ll develop an appetite for success that can take you far.

— Ralph Marston

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