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Happiness is not pleasure, it's victory.
-- Zig Ziglar


Thursday, August 26, 2004

True desire

Passing fancies quickly fade. True desires persist, and grow ever stronger with time.

When you devote efforts to satisfying the fleeting, momentary whims, you soon come up empty. Even when you succeed at fulfilling every trivial wish, what you get is not what you truly desire.

Instead, look for the reasons behind the wishes. Pay attention to those desires that persist, month after month, year after year.

Live each moment fully, with all the joy and presence you can bring. Yet do not live solely for the moment.

Devote your efforts to the real and lasting desires, in line with real and lasting values. Follow the positive purposes that remain when all else has faded away.

For what you truly desire, down deep, you have every ability and opportunity to fulfill. So live to make it happen, live to make it real.

— Ralph Marston

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