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Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
-- Samuel Butler


Monday, September 13, 2004

Beyond complaints

Usually, complaining about your situation wastes more time and energy than the very things you’re complaining about. Whenever you’re complaining, you’re living much less fully than you could be.

Life is as it is, and complaining will not change how it already is. Choose instead to move forward, with positive thoughts and actions.

The next time you feel a complaint arising, decide to give yourself a valuable gift. Let go of the complaint, and give yourself a golden moment that otherwise would have been lost on negativity.

If something needs to be changed, by all means change it. Don’t delay the process by taking time out to complain.

Let go of the need to always be right. And you’ll find it far easier to see the real truth, and to make real progress.

Let go of the need to complain about life. And you’ll spend your moments actually living its beauty.

— Ralph Marston

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