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First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
-- Epictetus


Friday, October 8, 2004

Avoiding mistakes

One sure way to avoid mistakes is to avoid taking action. But in the long run, avoiding action would be the biggest mistake of all, for nothing would ever get done.

If you’re going to move forward, you’re going to make some wrong turns along the way. Don’t let that stop you from proceeding.

There will be many times when you’ll look back and wish you had done things differently. Don’t let that stop you from moving forward.

Mistakes are bad enough on their own. Don’t be so afraid of them that you avoid life itself.

Every mistake you’ve ever made is now in the past. The way to move ahead is to leave them there.

Learn from where you went wrong, then step confidently and positively forward. For now is your time to live and to act.

— Ralph Marston

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